March 4, 2008

For all you dog lovers....

Um...does anybody else out there like to put clothes on dogs? I do. I don't know why! Too bad I have a golden retriever who's about 90 lbs and is NOT excited when his momma gets the itch to dress him up. Especially since it's very hard to find clothes in his size at the pet I like to use our clothes instead. He was none to excited with the tank top I tried on him. Doesn't he look so ashamed. hahahha. Tweedy and I laughed so hard when we put this on him. Then he just walked really slow to the door and stood there. But now...his spirits changed a little when he got to sport some manly boxers. This was way funnier than I thought it would be before I put it on him. He didn't seem to mind them at all...I love how his tail is coming through the hole. Bahahahaha!


Holland said...

You can see too much of Tweedy!!

lg2006 said...

Tweedy is super cute by the way!
I think doggle's face is hilarious in that tank top picture!