May 20, 2009

Summer is for sewing

Ugh I'm the worst blogger I know! Lately my updates have been few and far between due to my little 3 month old priss. I have finally gotten her on a schedule with about a 2 hour nap in the morning, a 3 hour one in the afternoon and to bed by 6:30 with lots of play time and eating in between. Which leaves me plenty of time for work...I mean sewing! I've been working from home lately which I love but it's so hard to choose work over sewing!! You just can't knit in the summer in Alabama...I need instant wearing gratification so baby sewing it is. Usually I remember that I get paid to work and not to sew and end up choosing work but here's what happens when I choose the other:

Bubbles are so great for babies this age. And they're quick and easy to make. The one shown is the "Taylor bubble." Looks great with an applique. Lately I've been obsessed with smocked dresses with angel sleeves like the pink one. They're just so stinking cute! Another obsession (no picture of it yet) are the really short dresses and matching bloomers underneath that show a little. So cute. I'm making two of them right now and then the worst thing sewing machine broke!! ERRRRRRR. Cuss word! Tweedy tried to take a look at it but he kept slamming down the presser foot, wasting tons of thread and was starting to unscrew the face when I was like ughhhh hold up. I'll take it to the shop. So I took it today but the service fee is $99.95. Cuss word again! Why not just say $100? Why $99.95? Just to bust my chops even more?!? It's going to take a week and a half to fix but at least I already seamed two of the bishops so I can be smocking them while I'm waiting on it.

Baby update for my momma friends: Does your baby make a very high pitched squeal/scream all the day long? Mine does. Cute at first...ear piercing now. She's happy while she does it and is smiling and thinks it's hilarious but everywhere we go people turn to stare and say things like "WOAH she's gonna be a talker!" It's really impressive how long she can hold that high note.....I could count to 10 during it! Her face is hysterical while she's doing it...wide eyed like "is that me?" and red from the strain of holding it. I think she's going to be a singer but her practicing makes poor Jayber so nervous. He looks at me like...please make it stop. HA! If I figure out how to post a video I'll show you. But don't be jealous that my child is a singing prodigy at 3 months old.