June 2, 2009

Redneck Tank Top

Now as you all know I'm pretty thrifty and take pride in my roadside treasures. Just last week we found a porch umbrella, a wooden trellis, wicker chair with nice cushion and a round black iron side table to match our outside chairs and table that people were going to throw away! I also enjoy finding good deals,using coupons and sewing usable things out of old clothes/tee shirts. But I ask you... Who stands and looks at a pair of men's briefs and says hmmmm...I can make me a nice summer top from these!! On the other hand...$6 for a three pack is a good price!! But what if they weren't bought new? That's redneck recycling at its best. Ladies...Don't throw out yer feller's drawers when they don't fit no more... Just cut the crotch out and wear 'em!! Hahaha!