October 15, 2008

Mitten You Some?

OK that doesn't work very well. HA! But these do! I found a mitten pattern somewhere online and I can't remember where...but I know it came out of this book:

It's a free pattern for the basic mittens shown below...I'll post it later when I think of it. They had them in wrist length and fingerless too! Anyway....one of those patterns that I printed, forgot about and then my friend Marianne showed me the ones she made and they were great!! So I fished out my pattern, got some Lamb's Pride Bulky and casted on. I was going to give them to my mom for her birthday but somehow when attaching the thumb...I made a little hole. I was telling my mom about them over the phone and she was like "Well if you make some for me make sure mine don't have a hole!! That would drive me cra-zay!!" Boo...so now I have to make another pair minus the hole. I like these though..I'll keep the faulty ones. She also said "Can't you just pull it out and start over?" um.....NO you can't Mom! I'd have to pull out the whole thing!

I also just finished this little hat for Girl Baby. It's the same basket weave hat that I did in blue a while ago. Click here for pattern. It's so quick and easy! I love it...Jayber loved it too. HA! (Even this fuzzy pic took multiple attempts!)

Errr I'm so ready for the weekend!! Tweedy has been doing night shift so the weekends are our hang out time. We have big plans to watch the Alabama game and are hoping our crafty couple friends will come over so Marianne and I can knit and the boys will brew the beer from the kit I gave Tweedy for his Bday. It's called No. 8 and is a dark dark beer from Belgium created by monks! mmmmmm too bad I can't have any.

In more news...Tweedy finished his green house and it looks great! I'll post pics soon. He planted a ton of greens in it so I think we're set on lettuce and such for the winter. If anyone who lives around us wants any...lemme know! Mia (our little yard cat) has decided the greenhouse is her new home, which is stressing Tweedy. Apparently cat poop is not good for plants so our job this weekend is to find ways to keep her out. But she's so feisty!! Don't let this sweet little cross eyed face fool you...so far she's left a somewhat dead bird and a half eaten snake on our doorstep along with headless roaches and grasshoppers! Yowza!!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

um, best hat ever. but you know that. i think Bennett called and told you recenty