August 25, 2008

New Projects On the Horizon

Good News! I've finally started feeling better lately and have been trying to get back into the swing of things. The cooking is slowly starting again, clothes are getting washed and our house doesn't look like a train wreck with Jayber hairball, tumbleweeds all over the place anymore. Tweedy is so thankful.

So! With all of that comes new projects for me. Woohoo! I've really been into sewing lately and with that have learned how to smock. Smock You Some! It's pretty fun...kind of like knitting in that it's very addicting/portable and I think children in smocked clothes are so cute! But for some reason I feel like more of a grandma when I take my smocking places rather than my knitting. Not sure why. Maybe it's because it's obvious that I'm pregnant and I'm making baby clothes...too cliche? I don't know. I usually just do it at home since I've been embarrassed by it for some reason. But here's one little day gown I did. It's not quite finished in this picture. I lost my camera cord and can't upload a recent one. It's also not put together yet. Learning how to construct it is another class I'm signed up to take in Sept.

Sweet little baby day gown

I just bought this book on my lunch break. I loooove girlie frilly aprons and this book is packed with them. I thought making them for friends would be a good birthday/shower present or something like that. Some of the patterns in here are sooo old timey and perfect. I haven't tried one yet but I'll let yall know if the directions are good/bad.

The Jenny Cloche from Julia is my current knitting project. I'm working on it like a crazy woman trying to get it finished for my friend's birthday this weekend. I'm doing mine in a creme Jiffy yarn color and will post some pictures of it when finished. I thought it was cute and not your typical beanie with fluff ball on top knitted hat. I think she's going to love it.

Also...because Tweedy and I are so environmental lately, we're joining the bandwagon on the bring your own bags to the grocery store thing. But I keep losing/not bringing enough bags to the store! So I want to whip out a couple of these knitted ones but I can't decide which one I want to to do. Right now it's between these:

Elisa's Nest Tote (no i did not pick this one because the girl and i have something in common)

String Bag

"I want, I want, I want, I want, me, me, me, me, mine, mine, mine, mine, now, now, now ,now"......this pattern. (10 points to whoever knows where that quote is from. HA!) Not crazy about the girlie goo fabric used in this picture but I found some material this weekend at a hole in the wall fabric store that's going to be soooo cute. First I have to purchase the pattern. More updates on this one later.

Woo...I have a lot of stuff I want to do!! So why do I have to sit here at work in front of the computer all day and respond to emails? Boo! It has been raining all day today too..perfect project weather!


Holland said...

love the bag, love the apron, love the smocking! welcome back, knit witch!!

Marianne said...

woo hoo! love love love all the projects. the hat is super duper sassy. i am halfway through the bag part of the Elisa Nest Tote and I love it so far! we need to go on an apron-making rampage :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i had some typos in the last post, so I bagged it. Let's try this again.

I like the the bag the preggers girl is holding. Do that one! Also, my bday is in Feb and I fully expect an apron. I'll take one of those cute little hats for my move to NY too. And I like puff balls...just something to keep in mind.

Ok, WOW. I'm SO impressed by the smocking! Who knew the average gal could do such things? Well, Knit Witch, I guess you're not so average. Keep 'em coming!!

lg2006 said...

Hooray I have missed you! All those projects sound awesome! Dont forget you can make your own grocery bags from old t-shirts too and they are BIG. Lots of people bring those knitted ones in our store and they are awesome. specially for produce.