February 29, 2008

And so it begins

I decided to start this blog after realizing how much I enjoy reading other knitter's blogs!! I'm not a great knitter...yet. But I love it, think about it all the time, teach others how to do it, and constantly look up patterns while at work. So...I think that makes me obsessed enough to blog about it too. HA! I'm not sure who's going to read this but....hopefully it will be entertaining in the least!

I actually created it yesterday, added fonts, colors, templates, posts...ect. And then when I was finished. I deleted it! Don't know why...I was just sitting in my office and got embarrassed with myself and deleted it. So hopefully I won't do this again on a whim. And with a little probing from my best girlfriend...we'll call her "green sweater gal"...I decided to give it another shot.

I promise to get better with the pictures, good stories..ect. But right now I'm working on the visuals of it...So please readers (if there are any) be patient with me and my blogging abilities!

Enough about me. More posts to come about knitting...promise!

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