March 31, 2009

RIP Creative Needle

Everyone's talking about the recession and as we've been paying close attention and expecting to get hit with hasn't really effected us that much - until now. For Christmas my mom gave me a subscription to Creative Needle magazine that I was so pumped about. I love how it always has great free smocking plates, tips, new ideas and free patterns stuffed in it. There are 6 issues a year and I waited and waited on mine to start it's April now and I'm still waiting. I decided to give them a call and a piece of my mind but when I went to their website this is what I saw:

Dear Readers,

We regret to inform you that Creative Needle ceased publication with the Nov/Dec 2008 issue. I personally filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in February 2009. The decision to close our doors after 24 years was difficult and painful....etc etc.

BOOOOO! If anyone knows of any other good sewing mags that are not cheesy that I'm not aware of please let me know. Poor mom's out $50 for year subscription that I won't get! I wish they could send me 6 past issues to make up for it.

DIY Bottle Cozy

Here's a creative little knitting project for all you mommas. A fellow do it yourselfer and one of my good friends sent this to me and I had to share. I haven't tried it myself and not sure if I will but thought it was funny.

Anybody out there burn your hands on glass bottles? I hope not since that would be one way you would know that the milk inside was way too hot for your little one. But this cozy would be a great way to tell your bottles from other babies if your child goes to day care or something.

Click here for the pattern compliments of A Merry Mishap.